Misc. Accessories
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Cameras & Frames, Deals, Misc. Accessories
Intel New RealSense Depth Camera D455
Intel has announced a new RealSense model, the latest in its depth-tracking cameras with the promise of extra range and precision. The Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455 looks at first glance like a Microsoft Kinect, and indeed one of its talents is movement tracking. However rather than gaming, Intel expects it to be used in robotics, healthcare, and other environments. It’s a stereo vision camera unlike some of Intel’s more affordable models, which rely upon a single sensor – which allows things like depth measurement in scenes within such applications. In healthcare, for example, a D455 camera mounted in a hospital room could track the movement of a patient, using AI to trigger specific alerts should something dangerous be happening, but not distracting nurses or other healthcare providers for more mundane movements. Compared to the last generation of stereo vision RealSense cameras, such as the old D400, this new D455 doubles the range. The optimal range is now 6 meters – just shy of 20 feet – without a cut in field of view.
SKU: DH82635DSD455